Classwk / Hmwk
How can I help my child stay on top of classwork/homework?
1. Bless you. No, really. If you are even asking this
question, you are a teacher's angel.
2. I will require each student to have a binder with
dividers (-I can help provide if needed) so I can help your
student keep his/her work organized. That is half the
battle; open any teen's backpack to know.
3. Front Board: Daily agenda and homework in their
Student Planbook. You can ask your child to report to you
what he/she wrote down (hopefully for each class).
4. Opt to receive the 8th Grade Newsletter, similar to our
principal's weekly newsletter. Get the most recent
updates about assignments, reminders, and important
dates. Email me if you want to be added to this list.
5. If absent, classwork will be available via Google
Classroom. Look at your student's account
so you can see handouts and deadlines.
Question about a grade? Is your child sick? Does your student have a family emergency, but a project due soon?
1. Double check that your student has previewed his/her
grade on Skyward. Look together in their binder and/or
locker and/or "no name" pile in the clasroom. You would
be surprised how so much can be cleared up from this
proactive step.
2. Please encourage your child to contact me or come see
me after class first. We want to raise your student to
learn to advocate for his/herself whenever possible to
prepare him/her for high school & future career.
3. The quickest way to reach me is email. If you want
me to call you, then email me and let me know
the best times to call you (-keep in mind school
hours). I will do my best to reach you as soon as I'm able.
Classroom Tech
Would you like to be added to Remind for reminders from the teacher?
The District has set up automatic Remind accounts in our hybrid schedule in order to take attendance.
Please email me if you have any problems accessing Remind.
Should you still have questions, please reach out via email anytime to
Email is the quickest way to contact me. Keep in mind school hours, but I will do my best to contact you as soon as I am able.
First, empower your own student to access his/her grades. See student page for more details.
If you forget your password later in the school year, simply call the school so our staff can reset your password. It's that easy!
Helpful (Free) Resources
"To produce a mighty book, you must choose a mighty theme."
– Herman Melville
"Most of the basic material a writer works with is acquired before the age of fifteen."
– Willa Cather
"It is perfectly okay to write garbage—as long as you edit brilliantly."
– C. J. Cherryh
Thank you for the "Writer's Digest" website for these Inspirational Author Quotes