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A teacher fascinated by

Synonyms &



a word having the same or nearly the 

same meaning as another in the language such as stupendous, dynamite,& phenomenal. 

Note:  Mrs. P loves to use relevant and intriguing synonyms to infuse in her creative writing.

a punctuation mark (;) indicating a pause, typically between two main clauses

Note:  Mrs. P believes this is an exquisite punctuation mark,

when used properly.

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I am married to an amazing husband, have three beautiful, little girls, and love to travel.  Moving to Tennessee is a dream come true, so our family hopes to hike, fish, boat, camp & explore this gorgeous state.  We love the

value of family and hospitality here; 

we look forward to sweet tea &

new friendships!

For five years, I have facilitated a Poetry Slam as the cumulative final for our poetry unit in my creative writing classes.  I think the best type of teaching is role modeling; so I have written a different poem, memorized it, and performed it first before every annual Slam.  Here is my Spring 2019 performance.  Enjoy! 



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Hello!  I am Marti Peruski, and I have taught high school English Literature for eighteen years and now middle school ELA for several years.  I have a YA fiction addiction, an intense fascination with synonyms, and a faithful obsession with semicolons.  

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